日本財団 図書館


Table 2.3 - 1 History of Thailand economic growth rates






(For after 1994, estimated values are indicated.)


(3) Economic structure


Fig. 2.3-2 shows the change of the Thailand economic structure. If seen from the trend of GDP by industrial sector, the ratio of agriculture/fishery versus manufacturing was 2:1 in 1970 but it was reversed to 1: 2.4 in 1992.


With regard to the international trade, agricultural products and industrial products which accounted for 70 % and 4 % of the total export respectively in 1970 narrowed the gap in 1980 to 2: 1 and in 1993 the situation was also reversed to 1: 4.5.


(4) Economic relationship between Japan


1) General


Thailand and Japan are currently enjoying quite a good relationship and active interchange Japanese investment helps for a great deal the economic growth and the industry sophistication of the country. On the other hand, however, in view of a sizable trade imbalance (with a big profit on the part of Japan), it seems to be a big challenge in the future to expand the Thailand products to be exported to Japan in order to avoid the situation where the current imbalance might cause friction between the two countries.






